Meet Sarah
Reflexologist, Reproflexologist and Coach
Hi, I'm Sarah Vaughan and I am a reflexologist, reproflexologist and coach based in East Kent.
I am passionate about the benefits of holistic therapies and I believe that positive touch is a very powerful, natural human behaviour, the benefits of which are endless, whether you are a new born baby or 100 years old!
I first discovered reflexology when I was experiencing my own difficulties with hormones and fertility, and it completely changed my life. Now I am on a mission to use holistic therapies to help others feel empowered, nurtured, supported and ultimately, well.
My Qualifications include:​
ABC Diploma in Reflexology (Harmony Reflexology Training.)
Diploma in Reflexology (Hythe Therapy Training Centre.)
Diploma in Infant Massage Instruction (To Baby and Beyond)​
Reproflexology Training to support natural and assisted conception (Seren Natural Fertility)
Maternity Reflexology Training (Association of Reflexologists: Sally Earlam)
Reflexology for Menopause (Sally Earlam)
Reiki levels 1 & 2
Indian Head Massage CPD
AromaReflex CPD
Understanding anxiety and how to manage it without drugs
The Human Givens College
I have also completed training on hormones and menopause with Red School and I am always reading and learning more.
I am a member of the Association of Reflexologist and also a member of the Association of Reproductive Reflexologists

Workshops and Mini Retreats
I am very pleased to be able to offer a whole range of in person workshops and mini retreats designed to support you further.
Breathing Space Retreats are like no other retreat. We carefully curate programs that combine mindfulness, meditation, creativity and time spent connecting with nature in some very unique venues.
We are lucky to have access to spaces that are surrounded by lush green countryside and calm, tranquil gardens. We can also create bespoke mini retreats for groups of friends or corporate companies and events.
For more details, please visit the Breathing Space Retreats Kent website. Click here.
For update on all of my workshops, courses and mini retreats, sign up to my news letter, or click here.