Talk to me. Tell me all of it. Don’t withhold the details because you are worried that I might be upset, offended, or scared, or that I might think badly of you.
I know it, I know that place of deep despair, I know the monthly rollercoaster of rising hope and crashing sadness. I know primary and secondary infertility, and the stupid things that medical professionals and members of the public alike spout at you under the guise of “trying to help.” Not much of it is truly helpful.
I know the horrific dark sadness that descends when your fertility treatment doesn’t work, when you had pinned all your hopes and a lot of cash on someone else knowing how to get your body to do what you seemingly can’t. I know the hell of checking discarded pregnancy tests in the hope that you missed a line.
I know it.
So please talk to me.
My treatment room is your safe space, where you can laugh, cry, rant, yell and release all the unfairness that you are holding in your tired body. There is no judgement and no “well meaning advice.” There is just space for you.
When you feel ready, I will gently support your body into a state of deep relaxation in each session. If you want me to, I will teach you what I learned on my own fertility journey about how to better understand your body and your cycles. I will support you in taking back some control and make space for you to just be – exactly as you are.
Dealing with infertility is one of the hardest things to deal with in life. It’s difficult to see that when you are drowning in the emotions of it all, but as someone who is now on the other side, who never believed that she would be, now I can see the immense impact that it had on me, my marriage, and my entire life.
There were days when I was so devastated that I couldn’t get out of bed. There was an ectopic pregnancy that almost killed me. There were injections and arguments and there was a lot of pretending to be ok. There were doctors saying stupid and insensitive things and it was awful.
I can’t guarantee that my reflexology treatments will bring you a longed-for baby, sometimes it happens, sometimes, unfortunately, it doesn’t. But I can promise you deep relaxation and someone who absolutely understands.
So please, talk to me.